Stop Buying into Vladimir Putins Propoganda

Gabriel Madej

Despite the fascination many U.S. and European politicians have with Vladimir Putin, many of his comments and actions are hypocritical and aim to divide the west

10 months ago
Stop Buying into Vladimir Putins Propoganda

Consumer foot traffic decreasing as consumers cut down on discretionary spending in Q3 of 2023

Gabriel Madej

Consumer foot traffic has fallen broadly, with Retail, Dining, and Grocery Stores all experiencing a decline in foot traffic in Q3 of 2023

10 months ago

Peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan reach a turning point

Gabriel Madej

Azerbaijan's takeover of Armenian claimed Nagorno-Karabakh following its blitz offensive on September 19th has paved the way for reaching peace deal that would end the decades long conflict

11 months ago

NATO ramps up Baltic security presence in response to subsea sabotage

Gabriel Madej

In the wake of the September 2022 Nord Stream sabotage, NATO and its allies have escalated their surveillance efforts in the Baltic region, increasing patrols and deploying additional reconnaissance assets, including aircraft and drones.

11 months ago
Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoian (Left), Russian FM Segei Lavror (Middle), Azerbaijani FM Jeyhun Bayramov (Right) in Moscow on July 25th (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Azerbaijan) Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoian (Left), Russian FM Segei Lavror (Middle), Azerbaijani FM Jeyhun Bayramov (Right) in Moscow on July 25th (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Azerbaijan)

Electric Vehicle Market in China: Dynamics, Challenges, and Transformations

The electric vehicle (EV) market in China has been experiencing remarkable growth, with the best-selling budget EV, Wuling Hongguang Mini EV, priced at approximately $5,000 leading the way.

11 months ago
Electric Vehicle Market in China: Dynamics, Challenges, and Transformations Source: Bloomberg

El Salvador's electoral tribunal greenlights Bukele's reelection campaign amidst concerns over waning democracy

President Nayib Bukele's candidacy bid was approved on November 3, 2023, despite constitutional prohibition. Four members of the tribunal voted in favor of Bukele's re-election bid, while one member abstained.

11 months ago
El Salvador's electoral tribunal greenlights Bukele's reelection campaign amidst concerns over waning democracy Constitutional swearing-in ceremony for Nayib Bukele, new president of El Salvador for the period 2019-2024, in the Civic Plaza “Capital General Gerardo Barrios”, in San Salvador - Created by Gobierno Danilo Medina


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